Becca’s Bunch

Modelling and Rigging for Jam Media’s Pre-school comedy series

Creating High Quality CG Models

Jam Media got in touch with us to supply rigs and CG models for their puppet/CGI hybrid show Becca’s Bunch. This show is currently delighting kids worldwide and we are delighted to have been involved. Trickshot Films were responsible for the CG rigs and models. This meant creating models for each character along with fast and functional rigs for components such as eyeballs, wings, legs and beaks.

Character Rigs and CG Models

Here’s an example model we built for the Pops character. On the left is an orthographic view which we were given along with images of the back and sides. The model was used as an aid for tracking and for rig construction.

Bringing Characters to life.

As our demo here shows the original puppet shoot on screen left looks great but the character is comparatively lifeless. The version of Becca on the right shows the final results when Jam have taken the rigs and animated, rendered and comped them over the original shot.

Further into the demo you’ll see some examples of our rigs in action which hint at the underlying workings. We were particularly happy with the final eye rig as it managed to achieve some quite sophisticated shapes with relatively simple controls.

How Becca’s Bunch is Made

Our hats are off to Jam for the seamless way that they succeeded in integrating the CGI elements with the original puppetry. Watch the video here to see how it is all put together.  The show looks great and is sure to entertain kids worldwide for many years to come.

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